Standard Guide

This document identifies the login and related features of ifree, and guides you through pre-development preparations.

Development environment

ifree Login API is a service that enables other service applications (apps) to use ifree's user authentication function.

ifree issues user ID for each app and Super-passcode for users, thus helping users with ifree Login API to use service app authentication safely and conveniently.


ifree login is provided in iOS, Android, JavaScript SDK and REST API.

A brief description of the process of logging in to the ifree is shown below.

  • The user clicks the Log In As ifree button in the service app (or web browser).
    • Web browser: The QR screen provided by ifree appears and the user takes a QR with the ifree app.
    • In App Browser: ifree app will be launched automatically.
  • If the service is judged to be a service that is not connected to ifree Login when requesting a login, ifree Login will take priority.
  • Obtain consent from the user to utilize user information and functionality through the ifree login connection consent screen.
  • Require user authentication if the user agrees to the required items.
    • Enter 4-digits password
  • Once the ifree login connection is completed, an authentication success token is issued to the service app, and the service server requests an access token and receives user information to complete the login processing.
  • After the user has completed the ifree login connection with the service, the user will be required to authenticate the login request when clicking the [ifree Login] button.After the user has completed the ifree login connection with the service, the user will be required to authenticate the login request when clicking the [ifree Login] button.
    • Enter a 4-digit password or Biometric authentication

ifree Authentication Process

ifree Authentication System

The 4-digit password that users remember is altered into different and complex passwords for every different purposed through ifree algorithm.

By doing so, users and service apps will be provided with an online environment that is safe from various keyboard hacking, and from phishing and pharming.


A status token is a token that can verify 'unusual token' that the user did not request, by ensuring that it matches the session token delivered from service app's ifree authentication process.
Request tokens are used in ifree app that is used to grant access to users. It is valid for a period of time and used to access user information for a period of time.
The token issued when the affiliate successfully authenticates ifree when requesting authentication, which is used to request access tokens.
Token with authority to receive user information. Issued through an authentication success token.